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Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating

There are many people who complain of excessive sweating and many of them go to internists or endocrinologists because they think they may have a hidden internal problem, such as hyperthyroidism.

The basis of hyperhidrosis can be divided into two big categories: 1. General hyperhidrosis (general hyperhidrosis) 2. Localized hyperhidrosis (localized hyperhidrosis)
In general hyperhidrosis, there is excessive sweating in the whole body and it is not specific to a specific point.
There is a general form of hyperhidrosis, which can be associated with internal diseases such as hyperthyroidism, infections such as Malt fever, and cancers such as lymphomas. But a very important point to say so that the patient does not get unreasonably worried and doctors do not request expensive and useless paraclinical examinations is that there is no systemic and important disease that only shows itself with increased sweating in addition to hydraulics. other will also appear.
In the increase of local sweating, we have hyperhidrosis in one or more local areas. Areas such as palms, soles of feet, armpits, groin, face or scalp can become local hyperhidrosis. This problem is almost nowhere related to systemic issues and occurs in a familial and hereditary form, so it does not need special investigation. He finds a cure.
There are several treatments available for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, although almost none of the solutions are able to control the problem.
1. Anticholinergic drugs such as oxybutynin tablets. Research shows that the use of this drug for about two months in teenagers can have an effect in reducing consumption.
2. Topical products: The most important topical form of antiperspirant is the use of chloride, which dissolves with about 20% at about 100 degrees.
3. Iontopheresis: It is a device that works with a constant and low current of electricity and reduces sweating with an unknown mechanism.
4. Botox injection: The use of Botox as a highly effective treatment has improved the quality of life of people with hyperhidrosis.
5. Liposuction: It is used for underarm hyperhidrosis and can have a permanent effect.
6. Sympathectomy: Selective cutting of sympathetic nerves in the chest area that are connected to sweat glands can be used to increase hand and armpit sweating.

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