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Men’s facial laser

People have excess hair on their face that they have to remove every time with different methods such as waxing, waxing, hair removal creams, etc. There is a method to remove facial and body hair that causes them to disappear permanently. This method is called laser, which can be used to get rid of unwanted hair. The facial skin is very sensitive and excess hair in this area can be very effective in people’s beauty.

The laser has light rays with a certain energy and wavelength, which destroys the hair follicle after hitting the melanin. When these follicles are destroyed, they are no longer able to make hair strands, and hair no longer grows in those areas. The pigments in our skin are called melanin, which are located near the hair follicles.

Side effects of laser hair removal
The side effects of laser hair removal are not so dangerous and can be treated. These side effects are temporary. Some of these complications include:

Redness and mild pain is one of the side effects of laser, which is temporary and will disappear after a while.
One of the most common side effects of laser hair removal is skin burns and blisters, which are rare and can be caused by a non-specialist. Your skin may become dry and flaky after the laser.
Other complications include the risk of damaging vision. When using a laser for the face, you must wear special laser glasses. These glasses prevent eye damage.
Another side effect of laser hair removal is hypopigmentation, i.e. reduction of pigments or lightening of skin color, this side effect is temporary and will disappear after a short period of time. Avoiding direct sunlight and using sunscreen will help reduce these side effects.
Another side effect is the increase of pigments and the brightening of the skin, or hyperpigmentation. This complication is also temporary and will disappear after 3 or 4 weeks. You see this complication when the laser causes a wound on your skin and it disappears after a while. The scar remains darker than other areas for a while.
The creation of scars and wounds cannot be considered as one of the side effects of this method, but if your doctor is a non-specialist and does not have skills, this complication can occur.
You can visit an experienced doctor as well as a reputable clinic to reduce these complications so that you will have fewer complications. Also, follow your doctor’s instructions well after the laser, so that you don’t suffer from laser side effects or you can recover sooner.

How is laser facial for men?

Many men are looking to reduce the volume of their beards rather than removing all facial hair. For this reason, the use of this method is one of the concerns of men because it may cause the loss of all their facial hair. Some men also want to remove neck hair, which does not look good. Those who want less volume of facial hair and just want to reduce their facial hair can use laser, but the number of laser visits is less.

People who want to get rid of their neck or face hair must go for more laser sessions to get rid of their hair completely. People who want to have thin hair should do less than 6 to 8 sessions. But those who want to get rid of facial and neck hair should do between 6 and 8 sessions. You should consult your doctor about this before doing facial laser so that he can give you the best suggestion and help you.

Can laser hair removal help male athletes?

Professional athletes as well as men who are engaged in bodybuilding are among the people who are looking for an ideal way to remove excess hair. This issue is vital for bodybuilding athletes; Because removing hair makes muscles more visible. Removing unwanted hair is also very important for cyclists; Because the contact of body hair with tight cycling clothes, excessive sweating and sitting for long periods of time on the saddle can cause inflammation and skin irritation.

Another group of athletes are swimmers, who are said to be able to increase their speed by removing body hair. Even if this increase in speed is only a tenth of a second, it can help swimmers break records. Removing body hair and unwanted hair can also help other athletes. Body hair removal makes the use of men’s sports leggings, foam rolling and massage easier and painless. Because the hair is no longer pulled out while using and doing these things.

Another advantage that laser hair removal and body has for male athletes is that they no longer need to correct their bodies before sports competitions. This advantage prevents wasting time and reduces the risk of wounding or damaging the skin. Sometimes small wounds that are exposed to the environment of the gym, locker room or swimming pool, get infected and cause a lot of trouble for athletes.

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